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Marjei jazzy dope portada

As a response to a series of political measures defending extremely conservative values, Miguel Priera contacted me to collaborate on an idea he had: “Going back in time is not as nice as it seems”.


With this title, I started working on some illustrations that remind one of advertisements and propaganda from the past and reflect currents issues with current quotes that could easily have been said years ago. We linked these graphics with the hashtag #votaporfavor (please vote) and without being able to put money in promoting, due to political reasons, we got great results.


1 of 7 Instagram Spain users saw the signs, 3M visualizations, 735 people downloaded the images, Blogs and influencers shared the graphics as well: among others, @lacriaturacreativa, @tiempodepublicidad, @s_moda (El País) and @brothermadrid

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montaje 1.jpg
jazzy dope artista madrid arte madrileño

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